Formation for Children2022-08-31T16:46:29+00:00

Formation for Children

Religious Education
Religious Education provides religious formation to children of the parish
in grades PreK through 12. Our Religious Education program meets on
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:45 pm at St. Mary Parish Hall.

For more information, contact Deanna Barr at or

Youth Ministry
Saint Mary and Saint Theresa Youth Group meets monthly on the 2 nd
Sunday of the month, 5:00-6:30 at St. Mary Youth Center. There are
events planned outside of the Sunday meetings that include
opportunities for prayer, discipleship, leadership, service, and fun!

Children’s Church
Children are invited to learn more about the weekend’s readings in a
more child friendly manner. They are sent forth from Mass after the
Opening Collect (Prayer). All return during the preparation of the gifts.
Offered during both Sunday Masses during the school year.

Vacation Bible School
The mission of Vacation Bible School (VBS) is to evangelize and catechize
children through crafts, play, song, games, and education through God’s
word; to give the children of the parish and surrounding neighborhoods
an experience of community and faith; and to witness the faith growing
in our youngest members.
VBS will be held in June.

For more information, contact Deanna Barr at or